Salman Khan: Thoughts on Smarter Educational Investment

Salman Khan

At the 2010 Aspen Ideas Festival, educational revolutionary Bill Gates introduced Salman Khan as the “teacher of the world…giving us all a glimpse of the future of education”. Sal Khan is the founder of the prominent educational server Khan Academy. With the stated mission of “providing a high quality education to anyone, anywhere”, the website has been utilized by students and  school systems all over the world – having delivered over 200 million lessons since its launch in 2006.

Recently, Khan was interviewed on CNN and asked to respond to the effectiveness of Obama’s $100 billion education stimulus. Khan highlighted the idea that innovation is being more and more concentrated within the United States due to entreprenuership, creativity, and a general attitude against stigmatizing failure. However, this success should not be restricted to the fewer areas that provide students with the opportunities to excel at academia. Personally, I respect Khan’s criticisms as they possess a strong backbone: Khan Academy literally allows the universal access of education regardless of where student users live. The main issue is efficiently distrubuting technology to students in more destitute areas so they can actually access Khan’s amazing program.

Khan Academy TIEDUCATE SCORE: 9.5/10

Click Link for the full video: An Education on Education

For Access to Khan Academy: Khan Academy

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